Coastal and Marine Structures Design
Coastal and marine structures are a fundamental component of most waterfront projects. The main objective of these structures is to provide protection to band-based assets from wave action. They also represent a significant investment by our clients and thus should be planned and constructed in a cost-effective manner.
CWP Engineering has extensive experience in designing marine structures for a variety of coastal and waterfront projects. We propose engineering solutions tailored to site conditions, taking into account the wave climate, water levels and soil characteristics.
Our design services cover all the phases of a project, from concept design phase up to detailed design, construction and tender packages. Our design solutions are developed taking into account constructability, construction sequences and methodologies. The proposed design solutions are always verified by robust geotechnical and structural analysis which constitute a core expertise of our engineering team.
Our design capabilities cover the following:
• Rock structures (breakwaters, revetments, groynes, etc.)
• Vertical gravity structures (concrete block quay walls, RC caissons, L-shape walls, etc.)
• Diaphragm walls, secant pile walls, sheet pile walls, etc.
• Mechanical reinforced earth walls
• Exposed jetties
• Pile and deck wharfs
• Marine decking
• Piled structures (including anchor piles for pontoons)